The Box arrived at my Doorstep as I was promised and inside there was a Full Size bag of Purex UltraPacks (18 counts/Loads) and free product coupons to share.
I used the Product right away and I was very surprised at how much I liked it. My Clothes came out clean and in fact cleaner than I had anticipated. I work at an elementary school so my clothes get very easily dirty because of the hugs that I get from the children so anything that is on their hands gets transferred on my clothes including Ketchup and Mustard and also because my job requires me to see of the kids when they go home and I have to stand next to the Vehicles with their engines running and the fumes get on to clothes making them look dirty.
I was pretty satisfied with the Product and my experience using it would have been better if I could easily find it in the stores.I wonder why this awesome Product has not reached our Stores.
Here is the Purex line of Products that I have been using , I was already using the Purex Fabric Softener and now I have added the UltraPacks to my Laundry care products.

PROS: 1. Super easy and convenient to use. Just Toss one pack and go. For tougher stains we can toss two packs
2. Clothes come out super clean.
3. Even kids can do the laundry because there is no measuring required and they don't have to worry about putting to much detergent or not putting enough detergent.
4. Coupons are available
5. Easy to carry, store and handle bags.
6. No spills and no mess
7. I just need one product and I don't have the need to use multiple products like fabric whiteners etc.
8. Ideal for all kinds of Washing Machines including he kinds(High Efficiency ones like mine)
9. The pack dissolves completely and there is no residual of the pack left in the washing machine.
CONS: 1. It is not easily available in the Stores at least in my area.
2. The Cost is slightly higher than the Purex Liquid Detergent.
3. It doesn't come in exotic Scents and smells.
I wanted to share this awesome Products with the people that I know would definitely use this Product and some one I could share the experience of using it. These are my co-workers and I showed them my bag so that they can see the product and learn more about it before buying their own bags with the free product Coupon. We talked about the Purex UltraPacks and how efficient it is. These Co-workers are not only responsible for buying the laundry Products for their homes but are also responsible for buying them for our School. One of them have three active kids who are heavily involved in Sports activities.
For more information and to enter to win $50 visit
If you have small children in your household then please remember to Reseal the bag after each use and keep it away from the reach of children.