Thanks BzzAgent and Green Mountain for my Free Samples of K Cup Coffee. I opened the Box immediately when it arrived at my house.

This Coffee is not only delicious, Bold and smooth but by buying this coffee we help farmers earn their living.
Here is a little fact about fair trade on BzzAgent's page:
The Fair Trade movement allows farmers to get a fair price for their Coffee beans, which leads to community development projects like new schools, improved roads, and safer drinking water.
This Coffee is a blend of three Continents namely Asia, South America and Africa.
I would definitely recommend this coffee and I'll be buying more of this K-cup coffee than any other brand.
That's me in the Picture enjoying my Morning Coffee with waffles.
Visit this website http://choosefairtrade.com/ and Use one of these Codes to save $2 on 24 Count K-cups: FTBZZ-MM3G995, FTBZZ-MM3G9M0, FTBZZ-MM42RK9, FTBZZ-MM47795, FTBZZ-MM4LY0D