Sunday, September 20, 2015

Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Review for Crowdtap

AVEENO® POSITIVELY RADIANT® Daily Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30

I'm a Crowdtap member and I got to try samples of Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30.

My Job requires to stand in Sun for a pretty long time.So, I used this product and I loved it .It is very silky and creamy. didn't have  greasy feel and didn't leave any streaks on my skin.It got absorbed pretty quickly and I loved it's mild scent. Sometimes sun screens are very greasy and have a heavy smell but not this one. It is very light weight.

I like to use a sun screen with 30 or more SPF so this could be something that I'll buy and use it . Love and trust Aveeno Products.I find them to be slightly expensive but they are worth it.

Directions to use:
Apply generously and evenly 15 minutes before sun exposure.
After 80 minutes of swimming or sweating
Immediately after towel drying
At least every 2 hours

For more info on this and other Aveeno products visit:

Global Hand washing Day is October 15th

October 15th is the Global Handwashing Day.Support Global Handwashing education in developing countries by  logging in or signing up at Dial Rewards and use the code "WASH9" click on the link to join : Dial Brand will donate $1 for every code entered (up to $50,000) to support global handwashing education.
You will earn 500 Points  for entering the code:  WASH9
When should you wash your hands? Wash your hands thoroughly with luke warm water and soap.Lather up and scrub all the parts of hands for at least 20 seconds and rinse your hands thoroughly. Wipe immediately with a very clean fabric towel or paper towel (I like using paper towel because fabric towel might have some germs on it from re using it  or dry them under hand dryer. You should wash your hands when in doubt that you touched something that might spread germs.
        1. Before cooking or preparing food
        2. Before eating food
       3. Before and after caring for someone who is sick
       4. Before and after treating a cut or a wound 
       5. After visiting the bathroom
       6. After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
      7. After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
      8. After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
      9. After touching garbage and garbage bins
    10. After coming home from outside
An incident had just happened when some farm workers didn't wash their hands after using bathroom and the Cucumbers that they touched were spreading Salmonella infection which killed few and made several people sick. So washing hands is very crucial.
"washing hands with soap"

Monday, September 7, 2015

Dannon Evolution Fresh Review for BzzAgent

I'm a BzzAgent member and as a BzzAgent member I get to try awesome Store brand and name brad brand products to try for free and give my honest opinions.

This time I got invited to try this product called Dannon Evolution Fresh yogurt for free. Dannon Evolution Fresh yogurt is a non fat Greek yogurt with Fruit in the Bottom. I didn't know anything about this yogurt and had never heard about it before I got this campaign.

These can be purchased at Fred Meyers and Kroger Stores.Since I don't have a Kroger store so I buy these from Fred Meyers. You can find them among regular yogurt.When I went to the store for the first time to buy them I didn't quite know where to find them among the regular yogurt or Organic Yogurt. I couldn't find it on both sections.I asked the store people and they had never heard about this product before.

I was kind of little sad not knowing what to do. But I didn't loose hopes and and I kept going back to the store and kept my eyes peeled for them.Finally they started showing up but still I haven't yet been able to find Pineapple and Passion Fruit flavor

I went to the store again to look for  Pineapple and Passion Fruit flavor but still can't find this flavor

 It comes in Four Flavors and the packaging is see through cups:

1. Blueberry
2. Passion Fruit and Pineapple
3. Black Cherry 
4. BlackBerry and Raspberry

Image result for black cherry dannon evolution yogurt

First I had tried the Blackberry and the raspberry flavor. I tasted the yogurt first  and I liked the texture of yogurt, it is very creamy, smooth and very thick and wasn't tart like some yogurt. But I got a little disappointed because the Blackberry seeds ruined it for me.

Then I tried Black Cherry flavor. This one was truly yummy and I found out that  I don't have to eat all the fruit and I can mix as much as I want and eat the yogurt from the top to savor just the taste of yogurt. Delicious!!!!!

Try this yogurt and see for yourself and I bet that you will love it too.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Listerine UltraClean Floss review for Crowdtap


I got a free full sized Sample of Listerine UltraClean Floss to try for free from Crowdtap. The Reach Floss got re-branded as Listerine Floss. Since I was a reach floss user for a long time so I got super excited to know that I got accepted in this mission.

I absolutely loved using it. I like that it is wider than reach so it covers more surface between the teeth. But it is thin enough to reach even tighter spaces between the teeth. My Husband's teeth are tightly formed with no gap between them and he has a difficulty using a floss but he had no problem using this one.

Each pack has 30 yards  of floss. The floss is from brand name Listerine but it doesn't contain Listerine Mouthwash. I got to try the mint flavored one and I liked it a lot.

The floss not only cleaned between my teeth to my full satisfaction but it also left a pleasant taste in my mouth that stayed for a long time.

I found these at my QFC store near my house. They had a $1 off coupon on them.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Snuggle Bear

Bear Den

I absolutely love Snuggle Products so I joined the Snuggle bear den community. It is a fun community and you can join it too. They sometimes send us free Products to try.

The Free Cute small Snuggle Bear in the  Picture was sent to me by the Snuggle Bear Community for having a Summer with him.They also had sent me a full sized  bag Snuggle scent booster to try.The one in the Picture is not my free sample but after trying out the free Sample bag I fell in love with it so I had to buy some more.

I was also sent on a scavenger Hunt mission to Walmart to look for their new product Snuggle Exhilarations and my name was put in drawing to win prizes. It seriously is a real fun community that lets you test products for free and lets you give your honest opinions.

How Do I receive offers?

I complete all the surveys offered to me from time to time and I complete my profile.I earn points for all the activities.More points we earn, the  better our chances for getting offers for free.

The Bear is looking outside the window with me.We heard lots of pounding and loud noises to freak us out.We found that the farm behind our house was getting cleared. Possibly to build a new development.

We had a whirlwind of a Summer , never a dull moment.

I work at a School and we had kept the Library open for few days for the kids to check out books so the Snuggle Bear went with me to my School to read a bear book to the kids. The Title of the book was Three Bears ABC book, It's a Goldilocks ABC book.

After we finished reading the book.The kids got to meet him and play with him

Snuggle Bear Den

#BakingSodaDoesThat  #ad  . sign up to join it.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Renuzit Pearl Scents Review and Giveaway.

Refresh your Home with Renuzit Pearl Scents:

Give your Home another depth of beauty with the pleasing aromas of Renuzit Pearl Scents. The new look was designed to accent and highlight your home decor as well as provide long-lasting freshness.

Renuzit Pearl Scents are available in these awesome scents and each scent comes in different colored jars.

1. Blue Sky Breeze
2. Serenity
3. Sparkling Rain
4. Tranquil
5. Seductive Pineapple

I got to try The Blue Sky Breeze: It looks very stylish sitting in my family room while spreading it's sweet scent.There are beautiful blue pearls inside the Jar that we can see from out Very Pretty and Stylish jar that would be ideal to decorate anywhere in your house.

You can choose any or buy all the scents and decorate in your home.There should be something among this line of 5 aromatic scents, for every family member in your household.

Learn more about these products visit :

Disclaimer: All the opinions are my own in this Blog post review.I got to try a free product for myself and I have two free product in  choice of scent , to giveaway. Coupons will be mailed to the winners.

While you are entering and waiting for a chance to win a free jar in my giveaway, you can also print a $2 off coupon by  Clicking on the link.Simply click on the link and then the banner on their website.It will take you to a page called "What's Your Personality" Scroll down and you will see a form fill your info. and you are ready to print a coupon. You should have a printer installed on your computer.

Participants must be 18 years or older and must be a resident of US.

Join my Blog site if you haven't done so . It is mandatory  and also simply tell me which scent will you try first, if you win (Mandatory).

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dial Miracle Oil Liquid Hand Soap Review + Giveaway


Miracle Oile Marula Oil Infused Liquid Hand Soap

Miracle Oil Hand Soap is infused with Marula Oil to nourish and deeply hydrate your skin while protecting it from skin-damaging free radicals. 

New Dial Miracle oil hand soap brings nourishment and skin hydration to your hand washing experience. Let the smooth feel of Miracle oil gently remove dirt from your hands and leave them feeling smooth and refreshed.

Very excited to see my package

Dial Miracle Oil Hand wash Liquid soap has a very sweet  smell and this soap will not only leave your hands clean but it will keep your hands soft and smelling good.

Pair with Dial Miracle Oil Body Wash in your bathroom. Your bathroom will smell good too use after use.

See more at:

This giveaway is a quick one you have three days to enter. Contest starts  on 4/5/2015 @ 12:00 am and will end on 4/8/2015 at 12:00am PST. One person will get three coupons of free Dial Liquid hand Washing Soap 8 oz. Pump. All three coupons are in different fragrance from their Boutique collection.

1. Sugar Cane Husk
2. Omega Moisture
3. Miracle Oil

Participants must be a US resident and must be 18 years or older.Here is very easy entry please let me know which one would you like to try first out of three. Joining my Site is mandatory please let me know in the comment that you did.

Disclaimer: All the opinions in this review are my own and Except receiving a free bottle to try and submit my reviews and  three coupons to giveaway, I wasn't compensated in any other way. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Splash Awesome Scents in your laundry

I was sent a full sized sample by Purex Insider to try it for free. I had to put it to use the day it came at my door step. Luckily I didn't have to go to work that day because I was on spring break at my school where I work. I was pretty excited when the door bell rang and I was handed the box by the mail carrier.

I came upstairs and started my laundry right away. I love having freshly laundered linen and clothes that smell really great.I opened the bottle and took a whiff of the smell.My initial reaction was that it does smell good. But I wasn't sure how my clothes would smell after using it.

I already had some clothes that needed to be washed.So,dumped those in the washer.I have an he washer and it is good for this type of washer as well as any regular washer. The directions said to pour at least 1/2 capful and that's what I did.

Now all I had to do was to wait until the wash cycle was over so that I can see how it smells. I liked the smell a lot. Especially the towels smell great and there is nothing like to  start a day with a fresh smelling clean towels after a shower or wiping face after brushing my teeth and cleaning my face.

Purex has again come up with an awesome product.Try it and see for yourself and you won't be disappointed.

The Purex Crystals  Scentsplash Liquid in-wash Fabric Booster contains refreshing scent beads that  release bursts of fragrance in our clothes.

This Product comes in three sensational scents:

1. Fresh Spring Water: Wade into Cool, enchanting waters and give your laundry an incredible just  washed freshness that lasts for Months.

I got to try this one  and let me tell you it does smell awesome.

Other two scents are :
2. Fresh Lavender Blossom:Wander through Colorful sun lit fields of Lavender and give your laundry an incredible just washed freshness that lasts for months.

3. Fresh Mountain Breeze: Capture the Exhilarating Moment of Crisp, fresh Breeze and give your Laundry an incredible just washed freshness that lasts  for months.

You Tube Video:

Directions: Pour 1/2 a capful directly in the washer or in the tray.This product is suitable for both regular and he (High Efficiency) washers. Sign up to win on their website and you could win $1,000 + a year worth supply of New Powershot Laundry Detergent.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated in any other way besides getting a free product to give my honest opinions.All the thoughts in this review are my own based on my own personal experience after using this product.

I have two coupons to give away  and each coupon is  good for any one full sized Bottle of Purex Crystals ScentSplash in-Wash Fragrance Booster.Each coupon had a face value of $6.00 and this product will soon be available at the stores in April. Participants must be 18 years and older and must be a resident of US.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Quaker quick 3 minute Steel Cut Oatmeal Review for BzzAgent

Thanks Quaker Oatmeal and BzzAgent for my free Full sized box of new Quaker quick 3 minute Steel Cut Oatmeal.Thanks for sending me my favorite flavor of Cranberries and Blueberries.

We wanted  to try it right away as soon as we got but we still had to  wait for the weekend because we eat Oatmeal on every weekend with out fail. My Husband makes it for us in our Household.We had never eaten steel cut oatmeal before so we didn't quiet know what to expect.We had always eaten the Instant oatmeal.

It said on the box to cook it for 3 minutes but it took somewhere between 41/2- 5 minutes. But I guess that it could be because different microwaves perform differently, But with trial and error finally we came upon a way to cook that is well liked by our family.

Then my husband totally forgot that this is not our Original Instant oatmeal where we add our own sweetening agent so he put sugar as was his practice.That just made it too sweet and I was unable to do a taste test. Next time when he made I reminded him that this already has fruits in it and is already sweetened.

After all that I was finally ready for actually taste test the product. I found the product to be very hearty , with a delicious bite to it that I love a lot. It had a hearty, nutty taste.The oatmeal was very satisfying and very filling. I was full by the time I was done and then I got on to do my work,I didn't feel hungry at all until I was ready to eat my Lunch.

This is something that my family and I will be eating for a long long time. But I wish that there were more options/flavors available to choose from.I would definitely recommend this oatmeal to others.

Some Pictures of our delicious and healthy weekend breakfast