Cereals play a huge role in my Daily routine in the Morning. I eat it everyday for my Breakfast.If I don't have time to eat it at home in the Morning then I carry it in a Pyrex Bowl with a lid and carry Cold milk in a Thermos.
I eat at my workplace while I'm preparing for the day. Soon after my Students start to come in to my Library for their Library period and they like the smell of Cereal and they try to guess which I had eaten that day.
Anyway so when I got the e-mail from the CT that I was chosen to test the Post Great Grains Cereal.The e-Mail read like this Congratulations! You have been selected for the Research Brand Sample And Share "Post Great Grains Cereal Taste Test".
But then I got a little worried because my mails are getting stolen from my front Door and I was wondering if I would get to bring this inside or not. But much to my relief I found that the mail person had hidden it nicely and I got to bring it inside my house.

I brought it inside and immediately opened it because I had already by this time read it that there were different flavors of Cereal being sent out.
I was hoping and praying that I didn't get the Banana Flavor because I don't like Bananas at all. But much to my disappointment mine was the dreaded Banana Flavored ones.
But I had to be brave and test it , so after a lot of thinking and dreading I chose this Saturday would be the day to test it. I wanted my Husband also to be a part of the test because his opinion play a big role what I buy for our use.
I set the table for my testing and waited patiently for him to get up and get ready for the taste testing with me. I had everything ready just like the Instructions said.

We got the Sample # 473 and #379.
I opened the Sample # 473 first and we started our test: This one contained Walnuts and Almonds besides Bananas. We used 1% fat Milk.
Overall Aroma: I smelled its Aroma first it smelled very strongly of Banana I didn't like the smell of it @ all then I asked my Husband to smell it and he was extremely pleased because he loves Banana so much that he has to have them every day. He even slices them and puts on top of his cold cereal everyday..
Overall appearance: This one we both liked it extremely. We could see the bits of Almonds and Walnuts.

We sipped some water and I tasted it first I kept my mind out of the Banana flavor as though it wasn't there and I liked it somewhat.
Texture and Taste: It was very Crunchy and Crispy the nuts were delicious. I love Almonds and the Walnuts so they felt good in my mouth. The ingredients says Dried Bananabut I didn't feel the Banana Pieces in my mouth as I was anticipating. However I could feel the strong Aroma in my Mouth.
My Husband absolutely Loved this one at first bite and he is ready to buy it. I'll not buy this one for myself..

Sweetness:We both liked the Sweetness it was just right for my Husband. However it was little bit on the sweeter side for me.
Granola Clusters and the Nuts: We liked them extremely. The Almond Slivers were pronounced and pretty large sized.
Texture after being in the Milk:It didn't get Soggy as much as we had thought. It was just the right amount of soggy after being in the milk for 15 minutes while I was recording our responses. I ate the left over and it was still good for my liking.

Conclusions: The Sample #473 is truly the Banana flavored so I won't be buying it. If same item has some other fruit like Cranberries or Strawberries then definitely I'm buying it. My Husband loved it so I'll definitely buy this for him.
Now it was time for us to open the other sample:
It was sample # 379. This one contained only Walnuts besides Bananas. We used 1% Fat Milk.
Overall Aroma:There was no Aroma as such. Even if it was there it was very faint. Smelled more of Grains than Bananas. I loved the Aroma and my husband not so much.
Overall appearance: This one we both liked it extremely. We could see the bits of the pieces of Walnuts. Didn't see any Banana pieces though. I was very relieved.

We poured some Milk took a sip of water to rinse off the taste from the previous Sample.
Taste and Texture: I loved it and the crunchiness was good the Nuts felt good. Because I'm a huge fan of Walnuts so this one was great for me.

I loved this one because it didn't smell a lot of Bananas. My Husband didn't like this so much.

In all the excitement I forgot to ask my Husband to take my Picture while I was eating it.
Sweetness: This one was less sweeter than the 1st Sample(#473). So it was just right for me and little bit less for my Husband because he has a sweet tooth.
Granola Clusters and Nuts: Were same as the 1st one >We both didn't find any significant difference. It was pretty nice amount for us.
Texture after being in the Milk : The Sample #379 didn't get soggy either. There was still a good amount of Crunchiness and Crispiness to the Cereal.

Conclusions: #379 was more likable for my Palate but still it has faint smell of bananas and it is listed in the Ingredients so I won't be exactly buying the banana one However I will still buy this if it had some other fruit. My husband won't buy this @ all.
Based on overall sweetness and my love for the Walnuts , I'm leaning more towards Sample #379. If I have to buy only one box to share with my husband then I will buy this and he can add his fresh bananas to make up up for the lack of aroma and I'll add some other fresh fruit of my liking to mask the faint banana smell.

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