I have been a huge Purex fan for a long time. So, I was very excited when the Fed Ex guy brought a familiar Package from Purex to my house. I was heading out the door and the Fed Ex Van pulled up in from of my house. I brought the package inside and immediately opened it to see the contents.
There was a full sized bottle of Purex No Sort For Colors and few coupons to giveaway to my blog readers. I was very happy to receive this product for testing especially because few weeks ago my Husband got a red color T-Shirt at a conference and I with out realizing that it might bleed, washed this T-shirt along with my School's Spirit Friday Fleece jacket. This Fleece Jacket had white sleeves. When the clothes came out of the washing Machine. My eyes started welling up with tears because the sleeves of my jacket were no longer white and they had become pink in color.
I love wearing our school's logo on Friday but now I couldn't do that. At first I got upset at my Husband but then realized that it wasn't his fault. I should have been more careful.
I was happy to know that this product might solve situations like this. What this Product does and how it works is explained in this Picture below. It not only reduces color Bleeding accidents but also leaves clothes bright ,clean , smelling fresh and good.
A word of advice from Purex: Wash Strongly Colored Fabrics or New Pieces of Clothing, especially Jeans , separately at least 5 times before doing a mixed Color Load with Purex No Sort for Colors Detergent.

The Rules Have Changed with NEW Purex® No Sort™ for Colors Detergent Sweepstakes has launched!
Please include the following unique URL for the The Rules Have Changed with NEW Purex® No Sort™ for Colors Detergent Sweepstakes entry form in your blog and social posts.
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About the Sweepstakes
NEW Anti-Color-Transfer Technology™ helps keep dyes from transferring onto other fabrics in the wash. Enter for your chance to WIN $1,000 & a year’s supply of this game-changing NEW detergent, so you can avoid extra laundry loads.
I have three full sized Free Product coupons to give away. Would you like to try then please enter to win? The Contest ends on 4/19/2014. Please answer the Blog Post question.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I have been meaning to give this a try.
I have been meaning to give this a try.
I've been wanting to try this...Thanks for this offer and chance..Smita :)
Another great laundry goodie.Thanks for posting!
Another great laundry goodie.Thanks for posting
Another great laundry goodie.Thanks for posting!
Another great laundry goodie.Thanks for posting!
This is so cool! I saw a commercial for the Purex No Sort For Colors, yesterday and it would be such a time saver! Not to mention it would save money by not ruining clothes! Thanks for this review and giveaway!
I do a lot of loads of colored clothes. From my daughters bright read and purple PJ's to my husbands work clothes and my own clothing. Not to mention all the pet beds that are brightly colored. The Purex No Sort For Colors would be very beneficial in my laundry room!
I certainly do! Every day!
I am the Queen of colors!!!
I have a teenage son who doesn't bother sorting...lol
i wear lots of bright clothing and i hate sorting!
Would love to see just how good this protects my colors! I am OCD about my laundry. Anything to make it easier would be appreciated! Thanks for the chance to try Purex No Sort For Colors!
Yes I do use a lot of colored clothes on a regular Basis.
I do have a lot of colored clothes. The majority are colors
yes i have a ton of colored clothes
Do I use a lot of colored clothes?? Yes I do. I have 2 kids and one of them loves her pink. Pink is very colorful!
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