Well, I get sun tanned very easily and I have always hated it because all my exposed skin area becomes dark in color and rest of my body that is covered with clothes and shoes etc. remains my normal skin color. I have a fairly light colored skin so that wasn't acceptable to me.
About 15 years ago when I lived in my Country, the concept of sunscreen was just coming up but I had never used it. Then we moved to US and we were living in Arkansas where it gets very warm and and sunny.My Son was only 5 years old at that time so we were outside a lot because he liked play outside a lot, this forced me to look out for a sunscreen. I would use it but I wasn't a fan of them because they smelled and my Son wouldn't like to come near me because of the strong smell. More over they leaved a streak on my skin if I wasn't careful and wasn't standing in front of the mirror to see that it is all gone.
I somehow managed with the products that I didn't like because at least it was protecting my skin.
Few Months ago I was sent a small sized tube of Sunscreen with SPF 70 (I'll call it Product A) from a leading brand and it was supposed to be light weight. But after using it I found out that it took time to absorb in the skin and didn't disappear tight away left a streak on my skin. After that my skin felt a combination of being oily and sticky. I disliked that feeling.
This is the Picture I took after applying Coppertone Clearly Sheer Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30.
Then about 2 Months ago or so I got an opportunity to test Coppertone Clearly Sheer Sunscreen. I got pretty excited because the name itself suggested that the product is going to be silky smooth. But there was still a little doubt in my mind.
Anyway the box arrived with a 5 oz bottle of lotion SPF 30 , two spray bottles of Continuous spray with SPF 50, it also had three small tubes of Clearly Sheer sunscreen lotion SPF 30 and several $2 off coupons for sharing with my friends and family.
My Son is all grown up now and I don't have to be outside with my own kids any more however now I have a job that requires me to be out for prolonged periods of time and my colleagues also have similar issues. We work at a school and we have to be outside with our students while they are playing and while they are being picked up after school to go home.
Long hours of exposure was taking a toll on my skin. I tried my new products that I got in mail right away and I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't smell like a regular Sunscreen. It had a mild floral scent to it (That's what I guess it is, I can't tell clearly what the smell is like but it smells good). I put it to test right away and applied it to my arm but before that I felt between my fingers and it felt very silky and smooth.
When I applied it to my skin I noticed that it got absorbed right away leaving my skin smooth and silky and not at all sticky. I have been using this product for the past at least 2 weeks or so and I'm extremely please with it. I think that I'll be buying this sunscreen for a long time to come.
I shared my coupons with two of my colleagues and gave one tube to my husband to take it to his workplace.

Thanks BzzAgent and Coppertone for my Sample pack.
Disclaimer~ I’m a BzzAgent and as a BzzAgent I received free products to test and give my reviews.I wasn't compensated in any other way besides free products and I was under no obligation to give a positive review. The opinions expressed here are all mine.
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