Monday, July 1, 2019

7th Generation Fresh Morning Meadow All Purpose household cleaners review

Apc morning meadow

Thanks Seventh Generation Good  for my free full sized products. 

I didn't know anything about this product until I got a chance to try it for free. What makes these stand out for me is that it is made with 100% essential oils and botanical ingredients. They have no artificial scents. They are ideal for a lot of surfaces that we have these days in our household.

I have tried it on Porcelain , Corian, fiber glass and  Granite and they were fine to be used on them. However it is a good idea to spot check in a corner which probably won't be too visible 

I just sprayed a thin layer of this product and then wiped it with a soft cloth or a paper towel.Then I just wiped it with another piece of clean paper towel  just to ensure that nothing is left behind.

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I was pretty pleased with the results especially in my bath tub. I didn't even have to scrub it hard.

This comes in a pretty strong 23 fl oz spray bottle.

Some online stores selling these products say that no need to rinse just wipe it but I rinsed the bath tub and the sink and found them to be super clean and sparkling.

I found that the nozzle just has one setting. I wish there were more options for spraying it on different types and areas of the surfaces.

As far as the scent goes I had mixed feelings between liking it and not liking it. It is something called Fresh Morning Meadow and I am not sure how that should smell but this one didn't smell too good but it wasn't bad and chemicallish (that is not a right word but I still decided to use it to put more emphasis on what I want to say).

#ad #freesample

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